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Writer's pictureKayleigh Edwards

Matt Robinson's Top Tips

Matt Robinson is a Junior Technical Director at TalkTV. Last year he was NaSTA's Industry Liaison Officer, and before that was Host Officer for the 2021 awards! Now a non-member Trustee of NaSTA, Matt tells us about his career journey and shares his top tips for making the most out of Student TV.

A bit about me

My introduction to Student TV was via QuaysTV at Salford Uni. I went to Salford to study TV and Radio, with the initial intention of finding a job as a producer on the radio. After wandering past the QuaysTV Gallery, and poking my head in on week 2 of being at Salford, I was fascinated and after getting to grips with the gallery, I knew that was what I wanted to do!

After working in industry alongside university as a runner and MSO, as well as any other opportunities I could get my hands on, I found myself graduating into a role at TalkTV as a Junior Director where I find myself today.

Top Tips for your first year out of Industry

1 - First impressions count.

Don’t be a dick, and be reliable. When you’re first starting out, it helps to leave a good first impression. Production teams won’t always crew roles via job applications or CVs, they’ll rely on their knowledge and recommendations. Make sure you leave the best impression you can! It’s easy to teach people how to use equipment or do a role, but it’s much harder to teach a good attitude!

2 - Network and use your connections.

Student TV is a fabulous opportunity to meet like minded people and network with those working in Industry. Use that opportunity! The people you meet now, will be running the industry in 10-20 years, so stay connected! My first few jobs all came from people I met from being a part of Student TV. Make the connection, and nurture it. Stay connected on social media, keep your LinkedIn updated with what you’re up to and how you’re developing. Reach out to people from time to time, don't be afraid to ask for advice, CV feedback etc.People are always happy to help, you just have to reach out.

3 - Take the opportunity, figure it out later!

I’ve had a couple of jobs, where I’ve not been entirely sure what to expect, or entirely confident going in, for instance some of the first roles I did.Be confident, they hired you for a reason and you’ll figure it out! People are always more than happy to answer questions, offer advice or contacts! Do your best, and you’ll be fine!

4 - Use your time in Student TV wisely!

Student TV is fantastic in so many ways, but none more so than the fact it gives you the opportunity to try different roles and genres, with no pressure. It's a fab place to learn new roles, how things work, and figure out where you want to go. I speak to so many people who don't go through Student TV, who don't know what role they want to end up in, or how things work. Once you graduate, the opportunities to use equipment (Cameras, Vision Mixers, Sound desks etc) and learn new roles, aren't as easily accessible. Use the opportunities to learn at uni whilst they're there.

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